Way of the Wordsmith


A publishing company dedicated to a new kind of thinking.

  • Overriding Principle
  • Secondary Principle

Words emerge from the body in a manner coordinated by its brain using the mechanics of “voice” and “hand” (the latter aided by a marking tool applied to a smooth surface). Words emerge from the body as the body is interacting with its surrounding environment in a manner orchestrated by its brain. As Words are emerging from the body in a manner coordinated by its brain, there also is emerging within the body two vibrating existential states called “verbal reality” and “mind”; each “verbal reality/mind” being created and informed present moment to present moment based upon the Words creating and inform them in that moment. 

It is within these two vibrating existential states called “verbal reality” and “mind” that Words equate to vibrating linguistic lenses called “projections”, “measurements” and thoughts” through which the “mind” views and produces “stories” about what is happening in and to its body -- the body from which it (the mind) is emerging.  

Once a presence called “human” has Words at his/her disposal, it is only natural that he/she would strive to describe/explain (simulate) from his/her own unique perspective what is happening to him/her using Words; it being recognized that since no “human being” stands in the shoes of another “human being”, his/her perspective is unique to him/her as evidenced by the unique way he/she expresses the sounds/marks vibrations with meaning that are his/her Words and the unique way he/she experiences/feels (vibrationally senses) the physical reality in which he/she exists -- an example being his/her unique way of experiencing the taste of an apple. 

Called “qualia” this uniqueness pervades all members of “humanity”; the ultimate goal of “humanity” being to create that one best model of reality that coherently simulates how this uniqueness comes to be.

Enter the tribe and community into which each infant is birthed; each tribe having its own language comprised Words and the unique syntax by which it members string their Words together; each community having a current kind of thinking that is embedded In the Word and that is, passed along generation to generation creating an Historical Bias favoring stories previously selected.

You were that “infant”.  You were a presence called “infant” who at birth had no Words at your disposal; a presence called “infant” that was, at birth, surrounded by other presences called “humans” who were superposing their Words on “you”.

An “infant” turned “toddler”, “child”, “student”, “adolescent”, “adult” that now has at your disposal the Words that populate the language of your tribe/community and the way the members of your tribe or community have historically strung their Words together into “stories” including their “creation stories/models of reality”.

An “infant” turned “student” turned “adult” who may not yet be mindful of the historical biasthat is present in your Words and the Words of the members of the tribe/community/group of which “you” are a part.

A presence called “human” who may not yet be aware of these facts:


            Absent the vibrational presence of Words, nothing could be verbally stated about anything. 

            Present the vibrational presence of Words, anything can be verbally stated about anything and, potentially (p), anything verbally stated in the positive (+) can be verbally stated in the negative (-), thereby creating a verbal             polarity symbolized by p +/-

            Absent the vibrational presence of Words, whatever is happening is   happening, vibrationally

            Present the vibrational presence of Words, whatever is happening is happening vibrationally.


Yet, once a presence called “human” has Words at his/her disposal, it becomes relatively easy for this presence called “human” to collapse what is happening, vibrationally, into what he/she calls words, symbols and images, thereafter treating words, symbols and images as only words, symbols and images -- nothing more.

Forgetting (or never being taught) that what are called “words”, “symbols” and “images” are really Words; sounds/marks/vibrations with meaning that are creating and inform your verbal reality and your mind present moment to present moment as your body in a manner orchestrated by its “brain” is interacting/interconnecting/communicating with its surroundings and all presences that exists within these surroundings, present moment to present moment.

The goal of the Center For Vibrational Studies being to publish papers and books that teach you what it means to be human when you embrace a new kind of thinking that treats words, symbols and images as vibrations expressed in the form of sounds and marks; vibrations whose meanings are associated with and point (like a sign as in a code) to the vibrations that lie beneath them.

Humanities Wrong Turn

© 2021 Center for Vibrational Studies